I would like to export specific fields within an item (or within several items if doing a batch export).
For example, if I was exporting the University’s course catalogue project (a few hundred items within GatherContent, each representing a course taught at the University, and each with many, identical fields), I would like to be able to select, perhaps via a tick-box function, only the specific fields that I need to share with colleagues or the designers of our print prospectus. As shown below, perhaps I only need the Meta title, Overview, Body copy and other info, and Careers fields in the ‘Web copy’ tab. I would like to be able to export just this content, and not all of the other content in other fields:
This would be particularly useful as the University uses GatherContent to host the copy for both our print and online course content, so ideally we would like to easily export just the copy needed for any given format. I would like to have options for how the export appears – for example, in Word format, Excel format, etc.