Default the users timezone to local browser time
K Bates
My authors come from many different time zones around the world. It looks like it defaults to the UTC time zone instead of using the local browser time. My authors don't know to go to their profile and manually set their timezone. The easiest solution would be to default to the local browser time.
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James Peacock
The content hub and items do use local time, but there are still some areas that don't, for example the calendar. We are actively working on bringing the rest of the product up to date, but for now at least local time can be viewed on the most actively used areas of the app.
Because of the age of this request, I'm marking as complete. If this continues to be an issue, please raise another request or speak to our support team.
Angus Edwardson
under review
We're reviewing this now, so we'll let you know how we get on!
It should make things far more intuitive, so thanks for the suggestion and all the votes! 🙌