Go to comment
Linda Moon
When getting a notification email or in comment history, clicking on the comment should take us to exactly where that comment is within a project. Currently, emails just take you to first tab of an item and comments in comment history are not clickable.
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Hugh Downer
Hey all,
We're happy to say all email notifications from comments should now take you to the actual comment itself.
Hugh Downer
Merged in a post:
Comment Navigation through Email Notifications
Alyssa Wakefield
A feature that should be implemented is that by clicking a link in an "email notification" you are directly linked to that specific comment - instead of having to hunt it down in the associated content piece.
Amanda Foley
Is there an update on rollout timing for this feature? Do you have advice/workaround in the meantime to help orient those receiving notifications?
Hugh Downer
Amanda Foley: Hi Amanda,
I've reprioritised this as higher-priority and we are looking into it now. I hope to have an update to you soon.
James Peacock
in progress
This has been identified as a bug and is following our bugs process. Work is under way to resolve the issue. I'll keep this request active to update you on our progress.